Job Keyword Explainer Tool

Explore keywords in Resume or Job Description Text

How does this work?

This tool will find and highlight keywords in a Job Description or Resume. To use it copy the text of the JD or Resume and paste it in the textbox, the tool will then automatically find the technical terms related to software development and highlight them. You can hover over highlighted terms to get more information.

Note that the tool currently only covers some technical terms related to software development and I am working to expand the library of terms.

This tool is a work in progress and I continue to add terms as I see them pop up in JDs. Missing something? Contact me and let me know!

Paste Job Description or Resume Text Below


There is no output to display. Please paste the text of a Job Description or Resume above.

Found Keywords List 0/198

Have some feedback?

Did you use this tool and like it? Hate it? Want another feature? If you have any feedback for me please feel free to get in touch. I love to hear from people that use things that I make.

Contact Me

A Note About Data

I don't store or send anything you paste here. The only software I use that is sending data anywhere is Google Analytics, which I just use to track page views.

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